Restoring Your Belongings After Smoke & Odor Damage

As a homeowner, one of my primary concerns after a house fire or water loss would be my valuables that are irreplaceable.  Obviously, my first concern would be that my family was safe, but next I would be worried about all the stuff in my house that I am soo attached to and that I consider irreplaceable. Like most Moms, some of the things I cherish the most are the canvas art pieces hand painted by my children. Even if your furniture, kids hand painted art, and heirlooms aren’t destroyed they would still smell like smoke or mildew from the water right? Yes, they would most likely smell, but what if I told you that Paul Davis Restoration and Remodeling of the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area has technology and equipment in their facility that would restore these items to original condition?

Exciting right?!?!? I mean, we all hope that no one has to experience a house fire or water loss but it is good to know that this machinery and technology exists should you ever be faced with a disaster. I am really excited to tell you about the Ozone technology we use at our facility to remove smoke and mildew odors from our client’s possessions. Ozone, also known as, activated oxygen, is the second most powerful sterilizer in the world and can destroy odors, bacteria, and viruses.

We have a special room dedicated to ozone cleaning at our facility. Ozone is formed in a generator and dispersed into a closed off room with items that smell like smoke or mildew. The ozone destroys, oxidizes, the source of the odor. With this technology you can rest assured the odor effects of smoke and mildew on your belongings will be completely removed!