Home Remedies For Icy Sidewalks & Cars


In an effort to have some fun with the SECOND arctic blast we are currently experiencing we dug up some home remedies for ice and icy cars!  We found the majority of these on Pinterest and haven’t tried them out ourselves yet, but we are planning to ice proof our windows today! Waiting for everything to defrost these mornings sure has been brutal!! If you try any of these out be sure to let us know how they work!

For Icy Steps & Sidewalks

Mix 1 tsp. Dawn dish soap, 1 tbsp. rubbing alcohol, and ½ gallon warm/ hot water. Pour over walkways / stairs.

Car Windows – Ice- Proof

Fill a spray bottle with three parts vinegar to one part water and spray on your windows at night. In the morning your windshield should be ice free. You can spray some of this on your headlights to prevent them from becoming icy /snow covered.

Freezing Door Locks

If your car doesn’t have automatic locks you might have this problem. If your car locks are frozen put some hand sanitizer on the lock and your key before inserting the key.

Frozen Car Doors

Spray cooking spray (i.e. Pam) on the rubber seals around your car doors. Rub it in with a paper towel after you spray. The cooking spray should seal the water out of the rubber.

Cure Squeaky Wipers

Use a napkin or cloth and wipe rubbing alcohol on the blades.

Let us know if you try any of these and have luck and most importantly, stay warm out there!