Happy Earth Day!

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Remember that environmental responsibility is all of our responsibility!  In honor of Earth Day we would like to share a few tips and encourage everyone to make environmentally protective choices!

Save Water

With all the bodies of water on Earth it is easy to assume that our planet is equipped with lots of usable water, but actually only 1% of all the water on the planet is usable for humans. Buy water efficient fixtures and products which allow you to get the same job done while saving water.

Only run your dishwasher when it is full and don’t pre-rinse dishes. Research shows that pre-rinsing doesn’t improve dishwasher cleaning and you’ll save up to 20 gallons per wash. Water efficient dishwashers use only about 4 gallons of water per wash.

The average washing machine uses around 40 gallons of water per load. Shop for an energy efficient washing machine and make sure to wash only full loads.

Did you know a full bathtub requires about 70 gallons of water? Taking a 5 minute shower uses about 10-25 gallons of water. Save water by showering and timing your showers. You can also install water efficient showerheads to save even more water and money on your water bills.

Fix your leaky faucets. Leaking faucets can potentially waste thousands of gallons of water a year. If you’re not sure whether or not you have leak check your water meter before and after a 2hr period when no water is being used. If the water meter is not the same then you have a leak somewhere.

Save Energy

Leaving your car at home twice per week can cut greenhouse gas emissions by 1600 pounds per year. Save up errands and shopping trips so you need to drive fewer times.

Use public transportation, carpool, walk, or bike when possible to reduce air pollution and save on fuel costs.

Replace florescent lights. Fluorescent tube technology has significantly improved in recent years. You can save up to 50% on your energy use by replacing old bulbs and fixtures in your household. If every American replaced one conventional light bulb in their home with a compact fluorescent bulb enough energy would be saved to light more than 3 million homes a year.

When you do home maintenance do an energy audit as well to find out how you can make your home more efficient and save money. More Tips to improve your homes energy efficiency.

Recycle old electronics. Reusing and recycling materials like copper and gold saves natural resources and reduces mining and processing. Find electronic donation and recycling centers near you here.

Reusing and Reducing

Composting improves soil by allowing it to hold more water and plants to grow better. Don’t pick up grass clippings, allow them to decompose and return naturally to the soil. Save on fertilizer and soil for your garden by composting food scrapes and kitchen waste.

Use reusable grocery / shopping bags instead of plastic bags.

Make sure to keep your appliances in good working order by following the manufacturer’s suggestions for maintenance. Proper maintenance reduces waste and adds to the lifespan of your appliances.

Look for creative ways to reuse your waste/ trash. For example use yogurt containers to plant seeds in, give cardboard tubes to pet gerbils or hamsters, and make flower pots out of plastic containers.

Lastly, if you have an ipad enjoy this free app, Verde,on Earth Day. Verde helps you find the best things in your home to update and become more energy efficient.